Monday, March 9, 2009


It is about a friendship between Alex and Rosie that started since childhood. The strong bond has been there through the years. There has been happiness and trials along the way, and they have always been there for each other…as friends.

Their love for each other was there all along, but they were bit able to identify it as any other than their deep rooted love of being best friends since they were young. If it is love for friendship or if they’re soulmates…they were not able to see it until their later years and accepts it a little more after. Then, they finally found HOME! The one they have been searching for…from others…for a very long time.

The story had been written in a very different and unique way, through exhange of letters. There are story twists that makes you want to stop due to overly long wait for them to reach realization, but then, so intrigued as to what will happen urges you to go on. Until finally at the end you’ll get to say, “Thank God, they made it!”

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