Monday, June 7, 2010


Whenever I pass by a bread store or a bakeshop, I can’t help but stop a while to stare at the goodies displayed in the glass panel. The aroma of the bread cooking makes my stomach growl in addition to the visual presentation that travels up my brain at 60km per minute (LOL!) I simply love to eat bread and pastries.

For the past five years almost, I learned myself around the kitchen perfecting my used to be water-tasting soups, bland chicken, colorless tomato based foods, burnt fryings and other worth forgetting incidents I had prior. Now that I am proud to have guests to partake of the meals I prepare, I’m quite ready for more challenges. This time I’m planning to start remembering my baking classes in college. And the first in line are breads! Glad I heard of this Zojirushi BBCCX20 Home Bakery Supreme Bread Machine that I believe will do well with dummies with baking like me. With its pre-programmed cycles for variety of bread it will start well pretty well. In the long run, I can very well put in 3 of my favorite personalized recipes as one-click button since this machine have the storing capacity to do such. Not only will it help me with my baking, but with my saving costs since it uses less energy than big ovens.

Can’t wait to start with my break making…do you know how? How did you start with it?

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