Thursday, May 13, 2010


It's summer time once again and as the season change, fashion and trends changes as well. Thus so with hair styles.

I have been desiring to have a really short hair cut but I'm not so sure it fits me and my facial shape. I want it really really short. And that again came to mind the moment summer set in. Only, I have to think a hundred times and ask advices of friends and love ones. My hair also needs to cooperate since it's on the wavy side and not as straight as I want it to be. Else I have to have it rebonded. It also is thick enough to be a horse tail!!! I'm afraid it will bulge and I will be like a male lion once it crops short.

But then, it is possible for me to have one, right? Do you think it will fit my facial shape? Just like this Sienna Miller?


Duni said...

Hi Jenie!

believe it or not, when I was much younger I had a short pixie cut just like Sienna Miller.
Nowadays I would never chop off my hair again :)
A word of advice - I do believe short hair looks best with fine to medium hair...but should you get it cut it'll always grow back, you know!

Anonymous said...

mmm gee, you got to be dressed like Sienna Miller first before i can say for sure as to whether or not a sort hair suits you fine....heh3x

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