Friday, January 15, 2010


The whole of campaign period for the upcoming presedential election you see flyers and banners of different candidates plastered all aroundt he country. In fact, their names and faces can be seen in shirts, jackets, hats, mugs, pens, and all other that can remind one of their existence.
Most expensive of which is the television commercial. But as far as I can see, the most effective campaign tool is the political jingle. With catchy melody, right words and active mesage...they say that "it can seal the deal". Right now, amongst all jingles, I commend Manny Villar's publicist because Villar's is the most heard and not jsut in the television but also from the mouth of children and some adults. They have captured the publics awareness and was able to stick into their memories. My 4 year old can even sing it! The melody's fantastic, the lyrics includes Villar's platform and even the picture itself when viewed is interesting. It may not be the reason for winning but it can somehow add to it.

1 comment:

FaYe said...

and which party, do you think is the best? may not be the best but at least better than the rest

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