Thursday, December 10, 2009


We always have to prepare for an appointment, much more so to as an important as a job interview. It’s nothing more disconcerting than the person who has asked for your time is late! And so, put yourself in your interviewers shoe and think of the so many other things he might be doing than waiting for someone we who have asked for a favor.

And the moment she takes the seat opposite you, you see a disheveled person, with her hair all sticking out, with a smeared eye make-up and on a wrinkled shirt that should actually be used for the mall. Looking untidy and unprofessional gives the impression of not being seriously considering getting the position, because for one there was no extra effort done to make a good impression.

Your knowledge of the job you are applying for is as important as the company itself, and so does your knowledge of what you do or of your present company. Also, have the confidence to speak up or you will be noted to have a poor communication skill. But do not go into too much talking; even to the point of badmouthing your previous employer giving him the notion that you will do the same if hired.

Remember that everybody else has prepared for this interview, and so should you. Take into account that in addition to your brains and experience, attitude is a major factor in vying for a position in a company.

With all this, poise and confidence can be felt during the interview but so with your arrogance. In a subtle way let the interviewer know that you are capable and that you are good in what you can do, but give space for openness to more learning’s and adjustment to change.

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