Monday, December 21, 2009


As the name implies, food that you see in the street, STREET FOOD! And I tell you, people love them!

You see newly cooked (or being cooked right then and there) pica-pica’s that you can serve at home, but still it is different when you stand there outside and skewer them as they cook deep fry to your preferred wellness. Fish balls, squid balls, chicken balls are the most common. Dipping them with a choice of a sweet sauce, sweet chili or vinegar mixture, you wait for your turn as one individual after individual enjoy this all day treat. This has been going on since I can remember, but additional choices came in the 90’s adding to it fried tofu, kikiam, one day old chicken, kwek-kwek (chicken egg or quail egg in flour) and variety of entrails that not everyone favors. From chicken gizzards to liver, clotted blood, pork ears and snout, chicken feet…none went to waste, and surprisingly, many can agree that they taste really good!

This is known to each and every Filipino…that any one who do not know the existence of this mass treat is NOT a Filipino!

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