Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Love them enough to see clearly what has been created for you. Witness the peeking sun at early dawn, the rolling waves coming at you, the playful bees in your garden springs, the ecstatic faces of your love ones playing under the starlit sky...every little detail we thank the heavens for.

But after a few decades of using those wonderful eyes, they are starting to give up on you. Don’t let the blur bother you, don’t wait for the brightness go dim, Stahl Eye Center in Garden City NY like any other Stahl Center, can make it all go crystal clear once again as they do the first and second most often performed surgery in the US, Lasik or Cataract surgery. Performed by professionals that have graduated from top universities like UCLA, John Hopkins and Yale, after Lasik, a few hours of recovery and in a day or two, "presto!", you can clearly see.

Soon enough you’ll bid your glasses and contacts goodbye, just be amongst the lucky ones to have been a client to Stahl Eye Center for the past 35 years!

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