Friday, December 11, 2009


Not everyone can enjoy outdoor exercise. Like me for one, as much as I’d love to jog or brisk walk while enjoying a scenic back draft, I’m in the city and not in the country side with picturesque mountains, lakes or even lots of trees that I see in some blogger’s photos or in other sites. Most people prefer going to the gym, motivated by the equipment and the ambiance…I know, I’ve always wanted to but can’t begin to start with the registration. We’ve got to admit of financial constraint lately due to economic crisis.

BUT it’s a must that we exercise! It’s one of the keys to good health, par to proper diet. And so, I have this exercise machine called fit & fold strider. It’s a little more difficult for a bicycle to manage but does well with me. Unfortunately, my dad who needs exercise more finds it too arduous thus not using it all together. This then led to thinking of buying a stationary bike. It’s a traditional machine used by most home-based exercisers. I believe it’ll be more appropriate for him as a starter. Since he’s starting to be a couch potato, tv watching most of the time, it won’t be too great a change for him to continue with that endeavor but this time adding movement, and losing calories!

I hope this idea can be put into motion the soonest possible time….

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