Thursday, June 4, 2009


It is very seldom that you don’t get caught it a traffic jam here in the Philippines. It’s irritatingly a constant trial to ones patience (mine’s a little longer than my dad’s). He’s in constant struggle that makes him all stressed up and with a blood pressure rising to probably 200/200 whenever he’s travelling.

This goes without saying, but actually had also been based from studies made in the University of California, that long distance commute and exposure to traffic increases ones blood pressure. That’s why I kept reminding him and my mom of the stress’ effect on his health. As much as possible, we don’t let them drive any more because it doubles the stress when you’re the one behind the wheel. And we’re all hoping to transfer to a residential area that is more accessible to our work areas, the malls that we frequent and everything else! It should be less than a hour away from everything (including the traffic time).

Glitter Words

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