Monday, March 16, 2009


In the morning I go out,
and breathe in the smell of wet soil...
"Hmmm! I smell a wonderful new day!"

I walk a few step,
and go over dog drops,
and "I see life."

Above me,
I noticed smog in the sky,
and "I was reminded of development."

As I travel along side sweaty men,
" I feel their hard work."

Wailing infants cuddled by their mothers
accompanies me on my way to work,
and "I hear love."

Do you hear these things too? Or is it just me?!

Nothing's wrong with me. I'm not feverish, nor am I schizophrenic. I'm not also trying to be poetic, or too sentimental. I am just asimple me....Delighted with the ecosystem, amazed by technology, deeply sensing the ever wondered MAGIC OF CREATION!

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