Friday, December 18, 2009

ATM (automated teller machine) SAFETY

It is supposed to be a wonderful breakthrough to be getting cash in a few clicks than the years ago practice of beating the 3 o’clock closing of banks for an over the counter withdrawal…but with the way life is, the safety of getting your money is always at risk.

There are many modus operandi that I have heard of, like the sticky tapes they put under the flap to trap your withdrawal and after believing that the transaction was unsuccessful and that there was just a problem with the bank you leave and the man concerned will retrieve your trapped cash with ease by a few tappings; or the inserted apparatus I have seen in movies where they can break your atm pin code so long as they have your card; even the hypnotism that is getting common; and the likes. BUT what of those who resorts to mugging and killing just so they can get hold of your one month salary, your 13th month pay or all of your savings?

Is it then safer to have an atm?

Then again, it can happen even inside the bank or after they trail you behind. The thing is, life right now is getting harsher and the only things we have as weapon is PRAYER for safety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have this worry 'coz i've no money in the banks.

As to whether or not it's safer to have an ATM, i guess usually they are quite safe so long as you're careful with the card by not lending or losing it unnecessarily.

Another good advice is not to keep so much money in the bank account where it's accessible by the ATM. Keep yr bulk of money in another account without the ATM accessibility. And when you needed the money just do a bank transfer.

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